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Skills required for 

Information Management

Information management refers to ways to organize and remember important information. There are a number of assistive technology tools that allow individuals to manage information and which have shown to be effective for those individuals who have challenges with organization and include tools that allow individuals to organize themselves in physical space, organize and remember information for tests or exams, or which help with managing information for written assignments. Often students with executive function weaknesses (a common example being individuals with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have organization weakness (Meltzer, 2010).

Academic Skill Domains

It can be easy to overlook how many different skills are needed for even simple schoolwork. The following list includes all the skills required to perform the task you selected. Once you pick a primary skill domain, like reading, you will see a list of all the subskills that make up reading. 

Critical Thinking
Sensory Input
Oral Language
Motor Output
Social and Emotional

Currently showing Academic Skills for: None

Click on any skill below to see which technologies can help

Information Management
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