Select the type of task you wish to assess from the list below. This will take you to a breakdown of every single skill required for a student to complete the task. Once you have this list, you can figure out which skill your student is struggling with, and pick an assistive technology that will help bypass it.
Printing and Handwriting | Spelling Test | Pencil and Paper Tasks |
Sentence Writing | Journal Writing | Agenda | Paragraph Writing |
Note Taking | Book Reports | Reports | Critical Review | Lab Reports | Literature Review | Annotated Bibliography | Reflection and Response Papers Essay | Research Essay | Analytic Essay | Personal Statements
Printing and Handwriting | Spelling Test | Pencil and Paper Tasks |
Sentence Writing | Journal Writing | Agenda | Paragraph Writing |
Note Taking | Book Reports | Reports | Critical Review | Lab Reports | Literature Review | Annotated Bibliography | Reflection and Response Papers Essay | Research Essay | Analytic Essay | Personal Statements
Story Time | Decoding | Word Reading | Independent Reading |
Group Reading | Narrative Reading | Expository Reading |
Measurement | Money | Time | Geometry | Pencil and Paper Tasks | Numeric Operations | Word Problems | Data Analysis | Data Management