The Selection Process
Get the Learning profile diagram
ATSelect Record form
ATSelect provides a comprehensive model for guiding a teacher, parent, or clinician to identify the appropriate technology to support the specific learning needs a student may have. ATSelect guides users to consider a variety of factors regarding the student that ensure you choose the best suited assistive technology.
SETT Framework
Some of these considerations are based on The SETT framework which helps user to identify ecological variables relevant to selecting an assistive technology (Zabala, 2000; Virtual Center of Excellence, 2000). SETT stands for a) Student, b) Environment, c) Task, and d) Tool.
Over the years we have streamlined the selection protocol and have condensed to SET a) Student, b) Environment, and c) Tool.
For more information on the SETT Framework visit:
Learning Profile Diagram
ATSelect is also built on the Learning Profile developed by Dr. Todd Cunningham diagram that helps users comprehensively consider possible student weaknesses and strengths. It arranges them in a nested branching structure that breaks down academic domains into sub domains and then academic skills. To support a student meaningfully one must be specific with the academic weakness they hope to support; this diagram is intended to help users move towards specific targets. The reviewed technologies on our site are also arranged in a similar branching network to help users find relevant assistive technology once they have identified the target skill.
ATSelect Record Form
We have developed a record form to accompany ATSelect so that users 1) ensure they consider all recommended components, and 2) document their selection process to help advocate for their tech recommendation and to document their decision making in the school/clinical file.