Writing Templates
Writing templates, like structural organizers, break down the writing process into steps by outlining a process for students to follow.
Writing templates can be found online and downloaded or printed.
Writing templates can support students who experience challenges in the brainstorming and organization stages of writing.
Bishop, Sawyer, Alber-Morgan, & Boggs (2015)
This study explored the impact of a graphic organizer intervention on the writing of middle school autistic students. Three students completed a three day training package which involved direct instruction on essay writing.
The results suggested that students with a range of disabilities have been shown to benefit from the explicit instruction of organization and pre-writing strategies.
Fontenot et al. (2015)
This study compared a novel process writing approach (using templates) with a widely-taught process-writing approach. 113 sixth-grade students took a written expression examination before and after receiving one of the training approaches.
Results suggest that students show better writing performance when using writing templates than when simply following the writing process approach typically taught by their teachers
Tijani & Ogbaje (2013):
This study examined the Four Square writing template whereby a paragraph is organized to promote writing skill development. This study took place with secondary school students in Nigeria.
Results suggested that students displayed better essay development with the Four Square Method.
Flanagan & Bouck (2015):
This study examined the efficacy of using concept mapping to support essay writing. This took place amongst 19 secondary school students
Results demonstrated that when students use pre-writing strategies the quality of their writing improves. For example, essays were more cohesive, relevant and had better structure. The authors note that students expressed preference for computer-based concept mapping.
Quick Facts
Most students spend very little time planning and/or at the prewriting stage, and this can be encouraged by writing templates
Research shows that when students use pre-writing strategies the quality of their writing improves (Flanagan & Bouck, 2015)
Using writing templates requires comprehensive instruction
Some students may be resistant to handwriting templates because they will be required to retype all of the information into a computer for composition. It may be preferable to use AT to complete the writing templates.
To Consider
Providing writing templates will only improve writing if students are properly instructed
Consider whether or not a computer-based structural organizer is necessary for the student, or whether a paper-based tool may be just as useful
Students with Learning Disabilities or challenges may require the use of assistive technology along with writing templates in order to be successful
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Exact prices change frequently, which is why only approximate ranges are listed.
$ - Under $5
$$ - Between $6 and $50
$$$ - Between $51 and $250
$$$$ - Over $250
Bishop, A. E., Sawyer, M., Alber-Morgan, S. R., & Boggs, M. (2015). Effects of a graphic organizer training package on the persuasive writing of middle school students with autism. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 50, 290-302.
Cronje, R., Murray, K., Rohlinger, S., & Wellnitz, T. (2013). Using the science writing heuristic to improve undergraduate writing in biology. International Journal of Science Education, 35, 2718–2731.
Flanagan, S. M., & Bouck, E. C. (2015). Mapping out the details: Supporting struggling writers’ written expression with concept mapping. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 59, 244-252.
Fontenot, J., Carney, K. J., & Hansen, K. (2015). Conspicuous strategies in teaching expressive writing:
A quantitative study comparing two approaches to process writing. Journal of Instructional Research, 4, 108-117.
Tijani, G., & Ogbaje, M., (2013). Using four square technique of writing to solve problems of paragraph fragmentation: A Nigeria-Ghana experiment. International Journal of Computer Applications, 65, 1-4.
Wallace, R., Pearman, C., Hail, C. & Hurst, B. (2007). Writing for comprehension. Reading Horizons, 48, 41-56.
Wilcox, D. J. (1996, October). A visual strategy for teaching written expression: Meeting the challenge presented by students of Native American heritage. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Northern Rocky Mountain Education Research Association, Detroit Lakes, MN.